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Uniwersytet Medyczny w ŁodziRok ukończenia: 1975

Publickacje naukowe

  • 42. Farbicka P, Nowicki A: Selected aspects of palliative care and quality of life at the terminal stage of neoplastic disease. Contemporary Oncol. 2012; 16:506-511. 43. Nowicki A, Rzepka K, Farbicka P: The influence of physical activity on the severity of fatigue in patients treated radically because of breast cancer.Global J. Breast Cancer Res. 2013 ;1: 43-52. 44. Nowicki A, Rusak K, Rhone P: Knowledge about prevention, risk factors and treatment in women with diagnosed breast cancer. Whether the disease affects their healthy behaviour? OncoReview 2015; 5: 81-90. 45. Nowicki A, Wiśniewska K, Rhone P: The influence of socio-demographic factors on making a decision related to the disease and treatment in women with breast cancer. OncoReview 2015; 5:125-132. 46. Nowicki A, Licznerska B, Rhone P.: Evaluation of the quality of life of women treated due to breast cancer using amputation or breast conserving surgery in the early postoperative period. Pol. Przegl. Chir.2015; 87: 174-180. 47. Dahms S, Nowicki A: Epidemiologia i wyniki leczenia raka jelita grubego w Polsce. Pol. Przegl. Chir. 2015; 87: 1082-1094. 48. Nowicki A, Farbicka P, Krajnik M.: Dejection and self-assessment of quality of life in patients with lung cancer subjected to palliative care. Contemporary Oncol. 2015; 19:491-495. 49. Nowicki A, Woźnia K, Krajnik M.: Understanding the purpose of treatment and expectations in patients with inoperable lung cancer treated with palliative chemotherapy. Contemporary Oncol. 2015; 19: 333-337. 50. Nowicki A, Krzemkowska E, Rhone P.: Acceptance of illness after surgery in patients with breast cancer in the early postoperative period. Pol. Przegl. Chir.2015; 87: 539-550. 51. Nowicki A, Farbicka P, Krajnik\M: Late palliative care of patients with lung cancer can affect the quality of life in a limited way – a pilot observational study. Arch. Med. Sci Civil.Dis. 2016;1: e1-e9. 42. Farbicka P, Nowicki A: Selected aspects of palliative care and quality of life at the terminal stage of neoplastic disease. Contemporary Oncol. 2012; 16:506-511. 43. Nowicki A, Rzepka K, Farbicka P: The influence of physical activity on the severity of fatigue in patients treated radically because of breast cancer.Global J. Breast Cancer Res. 2013 ;1: 43-52. 44. Nowicki A, Rusak K, Rhone P: Knowledge about prevention, risk factors and treatment in women with diagnosed breast cancer. Whether the disease affects their healthy behaviour? OncoReview 2015; 5: 81-90. 45. Nowicki A, Wiśniewska K, Rhone P: The influence of socio-demographic factors on making a decision related to the disease and treatment in women with breast cancer. OncoReview 2015; 5:125-132. 46. Nowicki A, Licznerska B, Rhone P.: Evaluation of the quality of life of women treated due to breast cancer using amputation or breast conserving surgery in the early postoperative period. Pol. Przegl. Chir.2015; 87: 174-180. 47. Dahms S, Nowicki A: Epidemiologia i wyniki leczenia raka jelita grubego w Polsce. Pol. Przegl. Chir. 2015; 87: 1082-1094. 48. Nowicki A, Farbicka P, Krajnik M.: Dejection and self-assessment of quality of life in patients with lung cancer subjected to palliative care. Contemporary Oncol. 2015; 19:491-495. 49. Nowicki A, Woźnia K, Krajnik M.: Understanding the purpose of treatment and expectations in patients with inoperable lung cancer treated with palliative chemotherapy. Contemporary Oncol. 2015; 19: 333-337. 50. Nowicki A, Krzemkowska E, Rhone P.: Acceptance of illness after surgery in patients with breast cancer in the early postoperative period. Pol. Przegl. Chir.2015; 87: 539-550. 51. Nowicki A, Farbicka P, Krajnik\M: Late palliative care of patients with lung cancer can affect the quality of life in a limited way – a pilot observational study. Arch. Med. Sci Civil.Dis. 2016;1: e1-e9. Nowicki A, Krzemkowska E, Rhone P.: Acceptance of illness after surgery in patients with breast cancer in the early postoperative period. Pol. Przegl. Chir.2015; 87: 539-550.
  • Nowicki A. Kula Z. Lemanowicz M. Analysis of 7965 screening colonoscopies and treatment results of detected colorectal cancers - experiences of one center. OncoReview 2016, 6, 3, A134-A142. Nowicki A. Farbicka P. Krajnik M. Late palliative care of patients with lung cancer may have a limited effect on quality of life - a pilot observational study. Arch. Med. Sci. Civil. Dis. 2016, 1, e1-e9. Nowicki A. Farbicka P. Selected psychosocial aspects of life of patients with a stoma. OncoReview 2016, 6, 2, A72-A76. Farbicka P. Nowicki A. Krzemkowska E. Wiedza o zachowaniach prozdrowotnych i chorobie kobiet operowanych z powodu raka piersi. Pielęg. Zdr. Publ. 2016; 6, 2: 119-126. Nowicki A. Jarecka J. Psycho-oncological aspects of the functioning of women undergoing radical treatment because of breast cancer. Mastectomy. Berlin: Avid Science 2017: 2-39. 6. Nowicki A. Kosicka B. Lemanowicz M. Satysfakcja z życia a zachownia prozdrowotne w zakresie zapobiegania rakowi piersi i jego wcześniejszego wykrywania u kobiet aktywnych fizycznie. OncoReview 2017; 7, 1: B5-B14. Nowicki A. Piekarska J. Farbicka P. The assessment of cancer-related fatigue syndrome in patients with lung cancer during palliative chemotherapy. Adv. Respir. Med. 2017; 85, 2: 69-76. Nowicki A. The importance of research on the sense of coherence and acceptance of the disease in patients receiving palliative care due to lung cancer. Nurs. Palliat. Care 2017; 2, (1): 1-2. Nowicki A, Farbicka P, Anczura K. Wiedza uczennic technikum i absolwentek studiów wyższych z zakresu profilaktyki i leczenia raka szyjki macicy. Pielęg. Pol. 2017; 64:246-253. Nowicki A. Erly palliative care of patients with lung cancer. Nurs. Palliat. Care 2017; 2, (5): 1-2. Nowicki A, Graczyk P, Farbicka P. Akceptacja choroby, a skłonność płacenia wyższych składek ubezpieczenia zdrowotnego przez chorych na raka płuca. Wiad Lek 2017; 70, 3, cz II: 547-552. Nowicki A, Duba P, Lemanowicz M. Satysfakcja z życia chorych po radykalnym leczeniu choroby nowotworowej. OncoReview 2017; 7, (4): 235-240. Nowicki A, Graczyk P, Lemanowicz M. Akceptacja choroby chorych na raka płuca przed i po zakończeniu leczenia chirurgicznego. Pol. Przegl. Chir. 2017; 89: 11-15. DOI10.5604/01.3001.0010.3903 Nowicki A, Kula Z, Świerczyńska A. Występowanie przełyku Barretta i raka gruczołowego - doświadczenia jednego ośrodka. Pol Przegl Chir 2018; 90 (3): 19-24. DOI: 10.5604/01.3001.0011.816Nowicki A , Dhams S. Zachorowalność, chorobowość i 5-letnie przeżycia chorych na raka jelita grubego w Województwie Kujawsko–Pomorskim w latach 2005–2011 na podstawie danych Narodowego Funduszu Zdrowia. Pol Przegl Chir 2018; 90 (4): 1-5. DOI:10.5604/01.3001.0011.8175 Nowicki A, Trybulska J, Rhone P. The quality of life, general health, and pain sensations after treatment in the assessment of breast cancer patients. OncoReview 2018; 8:A54-59. Nowicki A, Kula Z, Dobrzyń P. Wartość kliniczna badań kolonoskopii i pozytonowej tomografii emisyjnej z tomografią komputerową w rozpoznawaniu raka jelita grubego. Pol. Przegl. Chir 2019; 1: 1-4. DOI: 10.5604/01.3001.0012.8270

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